Books That Grow is an adaptive eBook reading platform, in which each book has multiple levels that can be adjusted based on the level of the reader. It gained national recognition, winning several awards and wide press coverage, as well as a USD $250K innovation award from Verizon.
Conceptualize, design and develop the entire online and mobile platform with a responsive web and mobile application experience, including a browseable library and assessments to gauge students’ reading levels.
We designed and implemented the entire platform including their main website and mobile experience. The project scope covered User Experience and Interaction Design and Front-End and Back-End development.
Our team of UX designers, developers and product managers collaborated with the client team to deliver the product in an iterative and efficient process.
We designed and implemented the entire platform including their main website and mobile application. The project scope covered UX Design, Front-End and Back-End development and Mobile experience. The application won an innovation grant from Verizon and is currently adopted in over 100 schools nationwide.